Complete pneumatic no tie down modules

- Compact design with 1-3/8″ push button (recessed 1/4″) on top.
- Light actuation pressure (5 OUNCES).
- 1/4″ push lock fittings included (standard). Optional 5/32 (4 mm) push lock.
- Rounded edges, no sharp edges or corners to injure operator.
- Quick & simple installation, bolt the control down and plug your tubing into the 5/32″ (4 mm) push lock connections.
- Mounting screws included (10-32).
The series REN300 features top palm buttons that use our light touch valves. This allows the operator to keep his/her palms facing down.
- -EPB (EXTRA PUSH BUTTON) A center mounted N/C 3-way valve with button on top (guarded) has separate output marked EPB.
- -SWV Switch valve a center mounted toggle diverter valve that diverts the 2-hand output between 2 output ports.
- -532 5/32: (4 mm) Push lock fittings N/C
- -C Cancelable output. An input from a pressure or limit valve will cancel the output.
- -P .4 second pulsed output. The palm buttons must be held the full time.
- -PA .1-30 seconds adjustable pulsed output. The palm buttons must be held the full time.