101K/L Series Spacesaver Air/Hydraulic by Ortman Fluid Power

Manufacturer: Ortman Fluid Power
101K Series
Light & Heavy Duty Pneumatic
1.50 through 8.00 Bore
Roundline Pneumatic Service
Up to 500 PSI Pressure Rating
101 series is a unique round line, the space-saving design offered in light duty and heavy-duty models. This 50-year-old proven design has remained primarily unchanged and has served exceptionally in the toughest industrial environments. 101 series cylinders can be utilized in both pneumatic and hydraulic applications. They can be ordered in bores sizes from 1.50 to 8.00 with one of 8 mounting styles available.
- 101K Pressure Ratings
Light Duty 150 PSI
Heavy Duty 500 PSI
- Series Features:
100,000 PSI min yield Chrome Steel Rod
Key Retained Heads and Caps
Precision Machined Steel Heads and Caps
Bronze Rod Gland Cartridge
Metallic Rod Scraper
Steel Honed Tubing