YOUR MOTOR HERE™: Customer specified in-line motor and linear actuator mounting made easy! by Tolomatic Axidyne Electric Motion Control
Manufacturer: Tolomatic Axidyne Electric Motion Control
Tolomatic announces YOUR MOTOR HERE!
YOUR MOTOR HERE™ is an easy-to-use online database that checks in-line motor-to-actuator mounting compatibility and makes the match for our customers. Thousands of motor-linear actuator combinations are possible, including the most popular brands of servo and stepper motors used in the industry today.
Many OEMs and users prefer to use a specific brand of motor in their operation. With YOUR MOTOR HERE, Tolomatic offers an efficient way to find compatible linear actuators for a wide variety of motors.
YOUR MOTOR HERE offers these additional features:
- Online look-up by either motor manufacturer or Tolomatic actuator series
- Motor mounts and actuators made to order in 5 days or less
- Custom motor mounts offered at no charge
From a series of drop down windows, you simply select the motor manufacturer of your choice, choose the motor series, select the motor model, and a list of matching Tolomatic actuators will be displayed. Once the actuator of choice is selected, verification of the motor and mounting plate dimensions can be made. A furnished reference code for the mounting kit is provided to place an order. Links are also provided to Tolomatic’s Sizing and Selection software to verify that the selected actuator is sized correctly. A link to actuator 3D/2D CAD files is also provided.
The online database currently includes more than 35 different motor manufacturers, including leading brand names such as Allen Bradley©, Baldor©, Kollmorgen©, Oriental©, Pacific Scientific©, Animatics©, and Yaskawa©. Over 480 motor model matches are listed for inline motor mounting to all Tolomatic RSA rod screw, GSA guided screw, B3S rodless screw, BCS rodless screw, SLS rodless screw slide and B3SW belt drive actuators. The database is updated frequently as new motors and Tolomatic actuator combinations are requested.
YOUR MOTOR HERE is the perfect solution for electric linear actuator selection: ease-of-use and 5-day delivery standard.