Renco Controls
Manufacturer of Ergonomically Designed
Pneumatic and Electric Two-Hand No-Tie-Down Controls
Renco electric controls feature
"Redundant, Monitored, Force Guided Safety Relays."
Renco Controls meet or exceed all applicable OSHA Standards of this date including 1910.217(6), 1910.217(b)(13). The Renco Controls meet ANSI B11 Standardsas they apply to operating pneumatic and hydraulic cylinders.
What is a two-hand no-tie-down control?

A two-hand no-tie-down control is a device which requires an operator to have both hands on the control (not in a pinch point) in order to activate a cylinder. If an operator ties one button down and attempts to operate the control with one hand on the other button the control will not give an output signal