Robo Cylinder RCS Actuators and the X-SEL MULTI-AXIS Controller by IAI Intelligent Actuator

Manufacturer: IAI Intelligent Actuator
The X-SEL from Intelligent Actuator is a programmable multi-axis controller compatible with some RCS actuators.
The X-SEL controller is the top-of-the-line motion controller from Intelligent Actuator and is used to control almost all Intelligent Actuator products, including the IX SCARA and high-performance ISP series Cartesian robots. The X-SEL simplifies complicated programming tasks and path movements for applications such as palletizing and dispensing using the intuitive SEL language. Absolute encoders, high-speed multi-tasking, synchronous drive control, infinite motion, expansive I/O, and network capability are only a few of the advantages offered.
The X-SEL controller has consolidated Intelligent Actuator's 15 years of motion control experience into one high-performance package. This next generation of the SEL controller incorporates increased speed, accuracy, safety, communication, function, and capability. Intelligent Actuator's design philosophy that robotic systems should be easy to use and easy to integrate is readily apparent in the new X-SEL. This machine is intended to control Intelligent Actuator's complete line of single-axis or multiple-axis ICS (Integrated Combination Systems) featuring standard or cleanroom ball-screw, timing-belt, and rotary actuators, as well as some of the Robo Cylinder® RCS series.
Available in both Compact and All-Purpose configurations, the X-SEL interpolates motion of up to 4 separate axes, each up to 750W. Additionally, with up to 192 discrete user inputs and outputs, a multitude of Robo Cylinders can be controlled via digital I/O. This expansive I/O and the wealth of new features make the X-SEL capable of full-machine control, and can even eliminate the need for a PLC in many applications. A powerful, high-speed CPU greatly enhances computation, improving acceleration (up to 1G), speed, and accuracy while reducing noise and enabling much more complicated patterns of motion. Up to 3000 individual positions, 6000 steps, and 64 programs may be stored in the controller. Advanced multitasking capability allows 16 of these programs to be run simultaneously.
Advanced control capabilities
- Network Compatibility: Standard communication protocols include RS232 and discrete I/O. DeviceNet, Ethernet, Profibus, and CC-Link protocols are also supported and available as options.
- Absolute Encoders: An absolute system enhances productivity by eliminating the need for homing after powering up the system.
- Synchronous Drive Control: The ability to drive 2 axes simultaneously doubles the payload capacity and/or allows for longer Y-axes in gantry-type configurations.
- Infinite Stroke Function: This capability allows a rotary axis or stand-alone motor to move infinitely in one direction without homing. This axis could, for example, be used as a conveyor drive.
- Zone Signal Function: This feature enhances safety, peripheral interaction, and reduces cycle times by outputting a signal when a slider enters one of up to four user-defined 'zones'.
- Enhanced Safety: CE certification, advanced noise reduction, and improved emergency stop functions ensure safety. During emergency stop, power is cut off to the motor preventing motion, but not to the encoder, so that position data and communication are maintained.
- Enhanced Serviceability: In case of expansion or maintenance, each control board can be accessed by simply removing the front panel, resulting in improved serviceability (and reducing any downtime to an absolute minimum!)
Simple, powerful SEL software
The X-SEL controller was built upon the intuitive, easy-to-use SEL programming language. SEL language was developed by Intelligent Actuator for the purpose of exercising an extremely complex level of control without extensive study or programming experience. No knowledge of BASIC or PLC-type ladder logic is necessary; the commands are mnemonic in nature and simply inserted into a spreadsheet-like format. Some examples of the powerful commands available to the X-SEL include:
- Palletize, which enables the user to palletize in three dimensions in a multitude of patterns simply by teaching 3 points, the desired number of locations, or the work pitch.
- Spline Movement, which enables continuous interpolated motion through given points for smoother operation.
- Arch Motion, which reduces cycle times and smoothes Z-axis motion during palletizing applications.
- Arc motion, in which a variety of arc or circular movements can be specified simply by teaching two points.
- Ladder logic can be used for complicated and/or functions in applications that normally require the use of a PLC.
- Individual command line execution allows you to run one step of a program at a time.
- Program "breaks" may be inserted anywhere into your programs so that you may pause an operation to review it's program.
- Points and Variables may be named for easy reference.
Compatible Actuators
The following RCS actuators can be directly controlled by the X-SEL:
- RCS-RA-55 Rod
- RCS-RA-55-GS/GD Guided Rod
- RCS-RA-55R Folded Motor Rod
- RCS-SS Slider
- RCS-SSR Folded Motor Slider
- RCS-SM Slider
- RCS-SMR Folded Motor Slider
- RCS-F55 Flat