Tolomatic B3W Series Rodless Belt Drive Actuators by Tolomatic Axidyne Electric Motion Control

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B3W linear belt drive actuators have an enclosed ball bearing design for heavy loads, high bending moments, and long service life.

New Capabilities: Stroke Lengths 400 inches +

The B3W linear belt drive actuator is capable of accommodating heavy loads and handling high bending moments with consistent, smooth operation. B3W linear belt drive actuators incorporate an enclosed recirculating bearing system eliminating the need for external load guidance. The B3W linear belt drive actuator delivers repeatability and 100% duty cycle with long service life.

  • 3 body sizes
  • Wide urethane-steel belt delivers greater thrust with no stretch
  • Load carrying capacities up to 35.7 kN (8,032 lbf)
  • Strokes up to 574 in  (14,579 mm)
  • US customary (standard) and metric (optional) construction
  • Mount your motor of choice with Tolomatic’s Your Motor Here® program
  • Alternate belt materials and extended stroke lengths available upon request for select sizes
b3w stroke pic

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