Safety Light Curtains · Safety Controllers and Interfaces
Safety Devices · Measurement Light Curtains · Accessories
ReeR was established in 1959 to distribute components for industry, lighting and home automation. By the mid-70’s the first safety sensors were developed, and afterwards the first light curtains were produced. Today ReeR is both the Italian leading company and one of the main world manufacturers of optoelectronic sensors for industrial safety. The export activities of the Safety Division outline the company’s global expertise with a network of subsidiaries and skilled distributors providing an accurate support service to customers based in more than 60 countries.
ReeR is committed to continuously improving its quality management processes by minimizing the defective returns and ensuring a very high product reliability. Product traceability and production process control are ensured by a ReeR proprietary management software. Products quality is guaranteed by the TÜV certified Quality System according to the ISO 9001 standard.
If safety in the workplace is essential, it becomes crucial in highly automated environments. Thanks to the experience achieved by cooperating with the world leading companies in the machine tools, automotive, packaging and palletisation industries, ReeR is able to offer a wide range of safety devices, such as: light curtains, configurable controllers, photocells and interfaces able to meet each application demand. ReeR has always been at the forefront also in the field of
optoelectronic curtains for automation, measurement and control.
Technological excellence and application know-how embody the spirit of ReeR. 15% of the personnel are employed in the R&D department, with expertise in safety hardware, software and firmware. Furthermore, ReeR is one of the main players in the standardization process development as it takes part in the most important national and international Organizing Committees on machinery safety requirements.